Friday, 17 January 2014

#NoBuyJanuary - Organising My Stash.

Halfway through the spending ban already. How have you been getting on? I am very surprised at how good I have been. The only thing I have bought are some supplements (wheatgrass and spirulina), which I classing as a health food rather than a beauty product. There are so many tempting sales and offers at the moment, I am trying so hard not to look.
When I showed those pictures of my stash, I have to say I felt quite overwhelmed with everything I had amassed and didn't really know where to start. I have had a good route through everything, checking if anything had been opened and trying to figure out how old everything is.
I have come up with a box of things that are my first priority to use up, and it has a bit of everything in it. There are a few bits that are half used, quite a few things I have had a while and some newer additions that I can't wait to try.
Looking at my overall stash there is enough to keep me supplied for a good few months, and to be able to work my way through them I need to curb my long term spending. So after #NoBuyJanuary I plan to allow myself a little treat, and then no more purchases until this box has been used up.


  1. You have lot's of lovely things to work through there, I am the same as you my stash is enough to keep me going for quite a few months Xx

  2. I am ashamed to say I had forgotten how much lovely stuff I have x

  3. I think for the most part I will be good for a while. I haven't even shown all the stuff I have. I could get through several months with only picking up a few things for the most part. It's great to step back and evaluate from time-to-time :)

  4. I have really enjoyed doing this. It's made me stop and think a little and I have met some lovely people along the way x
