As some of you will have realised I have quite the subscription box addiction going on. At some point I have subscribed to most of the beauty boxes going. However I saw something on Twitter last week that was a little different. This is a monthly subscription box aimed at those of us that run.
Jogg box costs £15 a month (+£3 p&p) and aims to deliver a selection of nutrition products and accessories. You can cancel at any point.
I am someone who has never really bothered with nutritional products as I have never thought I have run for long enough to justify it. As I increase my distance, and with the (hopefully) warmer weather coming it is time to pay a little more attention. Nutritional supplements are notoriously expensive, and to be honest some of them have the nutritional value of a can of coke. I see this as being a good way of trying out different products before committing myself.
My first box included a couple of stickers and a plastic wallet for cards. There were coupons for 10% discounts against SportTape and Bobo's Juicery. The first 50 subscribers to Jogg Box had a sample of the SportTape. I am not sure that I will use these to be honest.
The products I actually received are as follows;-
2 High5 tablets which each make 750mls of sports drink. The packaging says it contains key electrolytes and vitamin c. I would have liked a little more information on calorie content, but I can find out that at a later date.
A 40g sachet of Good Active Shake. This is a Hemp protein shake and can either be made with water, or added to juice or smoothie. It is completely plant derived. I am pleased to receive a protein shake sample as this is one of the things I really don't know where to start with.
A sachet of SOS rehydrate which is added to 500mls of water. The card in the box says that this tastes salty and the sachet itself carries a warning that anyone with a heart, kidney or other medical condition should consult their doctor first. I have to say I am a little wary of this and will be checking up to see how it compares to dioralyte which is almost half the price.
A 70ml bottle of Beet It Sport which contains organic beetroot juice and lemon juice. This is the kind of product I like. No jiggery pokery, just a natural product. I am very interested to see how this turns out.
A Pulsin Vanilla Choc Chip Protein Snack. This is suitable for Vegan and Gluten free and has the added advantage of being chocolate flavoured. Always a bonus in my book.
2 Miracle Tree teabags. This gets brownie points for being organic. It contains numerous antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and vitamins. I drink way too much tea, so this is a welcome change.
Perhaps one of the things I am most excited to receive is the Foot Rubz by DueNorth.This is a massage product which is based on acupressure technique. This is going to get a lot of use. Sore muscles be gone.
A sachet of EneryGel by High5. I have never used a gel before so I am quite looking forward to trying this.
A sachet of Pro Active Sports Wash by Halo. This is a non bio product designed to remove sweat and odour from sportswear. Although I don't think it is likely to be a very environmentally product I am going to wash the hubby's trainers with it.
The final product is a water bottle which is designed to worn over your jogging bottoms. I go through no end of water bottles as the kids tend to steal them for school, and boy wonder has a tendency to chew the spout. I am really intrigued by the design and can't wait to see whether it is comfortable to run with.
All in all I am pretty pleased with my box, and suits my needs perfectly. I will try most of the contents and hopefully it will give me a better idea of what type of products suit me and are worth paying full price for.